Actvantage for MDM: 4 Foundational Analytics to Become a Data-Driven Distributor
Thursday, December 2, 2021
by: Actvantage

Section: Press Releases

person at computer looking at data
Data analytics is essential to profitable growth for distributors as the industry becomes more digitally focused. Yet, with so much data to work with, it’s difficult to know where your efforts with analytics will be most effective and impactful. Which should drive your growth strategy?

Four core analytics stand out in terms of our Growth Cube framework, and these analytics will help you execute both traditional and non-traditional growth strategies:
  • Customer analytics
  • Inventory analytics
  • Pricing analytics
  • Supplier analytics
In his article for Modern Distribution Management, Senthil Gunasekaran outlines how these analytics fit into the three components of the growth cube (Generate, Manage, Sustain) and how distributors can apply such analytics in their businesses.

Become a data-driven distributor with these four key analytics.

Learn more about how ActVantage helps distributors drive profitable growth.