Encoder Shares New BiSS C Compatible, Low Profile, High Resolution Encoder

Our most compact, high resolution absolute thru-bore encoder using optical reflective technology is here, and we want you to have the first look.
Here's an overview of EPC's new Model A36R:
- Compact – 36 mm diameter and 1" depth
- High resolution – 22 Bit single turn/24 Bit multi-turn
- Easy mounting – Thru-bore or blind hollow bore
- Real-time feedback – BiSS C or SSI communication protocols

How does the A36R compare to similar encoders?
You're familiar with the popular Model 15T/H and Model 36HB bus absolute encoder. Compare these products here.

What is optical reflective technology?
The primary component of the EPC reflective technology architecture is an innovative system-on-chip optical device. It combines a blue LED emitter and sensor into one package and also offers a variety of on-chip programmable encoder functions.

Learn more about the BiSS communication protocol
Visit our website for an overview of the BiSS communication protocol for EPC encoders.What does this cost?
Download the new price guide page with product options and accessories.