Hey AHTD - Here is your 2024 Board of Directors!
Wednesday, December 13, 2023

Section: Press Releases

AHTD is grateful for all members of the Board of Directors and Executive Committee who volunteer their time and talents to assist with the management of the Association and its activities. We want to thank them all for their service and for demonstrating how much #membershipmatters

At Fall Meeting in Marco Island, our President Paul Burk, who is also Steven Engineering, Inc.'s President, finished his 2-year term, and our new President Mark Ermatinger took office for 2024-2025. There were other changes too. Some AHTD Board members assumed new roles, two new directors were added: Tina Hueppe and the Manufacturer Advisory Council Representative Blake Dickson, and another board member, Adam Jackson, took on additional responsibility on the Executive Committee.

Congratulations to all and best wishes for your term of office - AND for #doinghightechbetter!

The 2023-2024 Board Members are:

AHTD President - Mark Ermatinger, CEO at Industrial Control
AHTD Vice President - John Kelly, Chief Corporate Officer at Jo-Kell Inc.
AHTD Treasurer - Alan Watson, President at Lakewood Automation
AHTD Secretary/Program Chair - Adam Jackson, Regional Vice President at Power/mation
AHTD Membership Chair - Lou Dellemonache, Vice President of Sales at GCG, Advanced Controls & Distribution LLC

Terry Brei, Sure Controls
Robbie Floyd, B&D Industrial
Adam Foley, Walker Industrial
Scott Heiling, Heitek Automation
Eric Hord, HPE Automation
Tina Hueppe, Marshall Wolf Automation

Blake Dickson, Wade Antenna
Click here to view our Board of Director list with pictures and emails