Survey Shows Companies are Getting Creative to Compete for Top Talent
A recent Hot Topic Survey conducted by MRA on Compensation shows companies are getting creative when it comes to compensating and competing for top talent. Competitive pay is the greatest attractor; however, companies are using innovative rewards and unique benefits, in addition to base pay, to offer more robust total compensation packages.
"Benefits are a powerful tool to recruit, retain and reward employees," said Susan Fronk, MRA President and CEO. "Pay alone is simply not enough. 'Unique and emerging benefits' are the new buzz words in the compensation conversation."
Results from the MRA Hot Topic Survey suggests a comprehensive total rewards package including traditional and non-traditional benefits, along with variable pay is what top employees want.
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"Benefits are a powerful tool to recruit, retain and reward employees," said Susan Fronk, MRA President and CEO. "Pay alone is simply not enough. 'Unique and emerging benefits' are the new buzz words in the compensation conversation."
Results from the MRA Hot Topic Survey suggests a comprehensive total rewards package including traditional and non-traditional benefits, along with variable pay is what top employees want.
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