How NOT to connect on LinkedIn!
Monday, July 19, 2021
by: Mara Dickson

Section: Newsletter Articles

Marketing Minute with Mara Dickson
While I’m not a negatively-focussed person, sometimes knowing what NOT to do can help us all focus on best practices.

We’ve all seen it:

LinkedIn Message

See those “form letter” signs? The weird reuse of my name, the attempt at being casual, the obvious use of the exact LinkedIn rendition of our company name, its uncomfortable repetition, some over-inflated promises to try to lure me into allowing them to practice their pitch.

All of these features tell me that the person initiating this conversation is not trying to connect with ME, but is targeting me for my title, for the sole purpose of a sale. Does it work? Sometimes…? maybe…? We can all see through it.

Quite frankly, this just feels like a bad blind date! No-one should try to close the deal on the first introduction.

When trying to connect with others and build our LinkedIn network, is it possible to avoid looking like an opportunist whose sole purpose is to USE contacts to get a sale? YES, it is possible: by focusing on the PEOPLE not the sale.

Begin on LinkedIn by looking in your news feed. To do this, click the house icon on the top of your tab. From the various news items related to your business, see the people who are posting stories and updates that interest you, notice those making comments, and those reacting to the different posts. Get involved in the conversation. Identify and qualify potential business contacts, click on their profiles, select that “connect” button, and write a note explaining why you want to connect with them.

By spending some time every day reading LinkedIn updates posted and liked by your AHTD connections, noticing what is sparking discussion across networks, participating in conversations to share knowledge and insights, and then extending your network by making connections naturally through mutual interest, you will establish your personal brand and position your company as a dependable solution provider, and may ultimately ask if your company could assist theirs. Approached this way, you will find yourself connected to supportive industry leaders focussed on #doinghightechbetter, together! Sales will follow.

Please be sure to connect with Leigha, AHTD, and me, and follow our community hashtags to watch for posts on the AHTD LinkedIn page to keep up with the best in industrial automation. We are #doinghightechbetter, together!