Three Simple Things You Can Do Today to Improve Your LinkedIn Profile.

What are 3 simple things you can do today to improve your LinkedIn?
Our “AHTD Marketing Minute” segment from Fall Meeting 2020 in Salt Lake City received great feedback. Check out our recaps on “What to do to be effective in social media ” and “Make sure your posts/comments reach people”. Let’s read Mara’s next suggestion to get us making the most of LinkedIn:
The first change to make is to save an accurate profile photo. Having a picture makes your profile 14 times more likely to be viewed by potential connections. You should choose a high-resolution photo that looks like you, making sure your face takes up over half the frame. Use this first opportunity to communicate your brand and stand out.
Save an accurate photo |
The second quick and easy change to make is to install a background photo that communicates something about your interests, professionally. The background photo should reinforce who you are and support the written part of your profile.
Install a background photo |
The third quick fix to your profile is to simplify your LinkedIn URL. Getting rid of the letters and digits tagged on at the end of your name as automatically generated by LinkedIn uncomplicates your ability to remember it without looking it up, it makes sharing your URL in apps and online easier, and editing to simplify your URL is so straight-forward and easy, it shows attention to detail that is appreciated by others.

Try these 3 “fixes” today!
Please be sure to connect with Leigha, AHTD, and me, and follow our community hashtags to watch for our posts on the AHTD LinkedIn page and keep up with the best in industrial automation! We are #doinghightechbetter, together!