Spring Sponsors


Thank you to these wonderful member companies who have stepped up to support the association's efforts!

Meeting Sponsor Level

These are the member companies who help to make possible the speakers, the special room block pricing, and the meeting rooms during our semi-annual meetings.


Reception Sponsor Level

These are the member companies who help to make possible the evening receptions' food and beverages during our semi-annual meetings.

Networking Sponsor Level

These are the member companies who help to make possible the networking spaces and between session refreshments for our semi-annual meetings.


Click here to learn more about AHTD Sponsor Packages!

Questions? Contact:
Leigha Schatzman: 262.696.3645 / leigha.schatzman@ahtd.org
Nancy Shirley: 262.696.3333 / nancy.shirley@mranet.org

Membership Video

Know anyone in industrial automation who is not yet an AHTD member? Perhaps it's even you! Watch our Membership Video to check out the benefits of membership and click here to find out why #AHTDrocks!