WIA: Mission Statement

Empowering Women in Automation through inspiration, education, and advocacy to do high-tech better.


AHTD Women in Automation Pillars

We strive to engage the community of Women of AHTD through the WIA pillars.

Empower by creating an inclusive, safe space to share concerns, ask questions, and address challenges. We foster a networking environment in which members can lean on each other and grow to be confident, strong leaders in both their organizations and within AHTD.

Inspire by celebrating each other, women in the larger community, and future generations of Women in Automation to be industry leaders. We drive the conversation by sharing stories, advice, and successes.

Educate by offering mentorship and access to both internal and external development opportunities. We focus on the subjects that are top-of-mind to our community members.

Advocate by encouraging all our industry partners and leaders to participate, listen, and contribute in the conversation for understanding and supporting Women in Automation. We are the stewards of our peers.

Membership Video

Know anyone in industrial automation who is not yet an AHTD member? Perhaps it's even you! Watch our Membership Video to check out the benefits of membership and click here to find out why #AHTDrocks!