Women in Automation (WIA)

AHTD Women in Automation Logo


Connect with the AHTD Women in Automation - Women Dedicated to #doinghightechbetter, Together.

Join the dynamic team of ladies dedicated to doing high tech better together!  The AHTD Women in Automation group is focused on sharing the joys and challenges of being in industrial automation while encouraging connection, collaboration, and education. 



Empowering Women in Automation through inspiration, education, and advocacy to do high-tech better. Read the full mission statement 


In-person and Virtual Meet-ups

Network with other Women in Automation through these events and experiences geared to fostering connections and creatingmentorship opportunities with the association.

Check out these opportunities to connect.

As always, participation in WIA events is FREE to all individuals from AHTD member companies!  

Looking for a good read or podcast to help you personally and professionally as a Woman in Automation? 


Check out the most recent recommendations on our AHTD WIA LinkedIn Group. Apply to join us here!


Women in Automation Spotlight


Get to know your fellow Women In Automation through the monthly spotlights, where they will share a bit about who they are and what Inspires them. Check out this month's Member Spotlight here.


Get on the Mailing List

Want to be up-to-date on the happenings of WIA? Have any questions or need your own AHTD member login? Dash a note to Leigha Schatzman and get included in our newsy updates. 



Membership Video

Know anyone in industrial automation who is not yet an AHTD member? Perhaps it's even you! Watch our Membership Video to check out the benefits of membership and click here to find out why #AHTDrocks!